Give back and get involved
Safety Forum
ABC's Safety Forum meets once a month for a presentation and open discussion on current safety issues and best practices. This group is made up of business owners, safety professionals, and industry professionals.
2 hours a month
All ABC members
ABC of Georgia
Communication &Technology Committee
ABC's Communication & Technology Committee researches and develops the best practices for communicating with ABC's current and future members. This group is made up of marketing professionals who are passionate about marketing best practices, design-work and big picture strategy.
2 hours a month
Marketing & Communications Professionals
ABC of Georgia
Education Committee
ABC's Education Committee develops and implements education that is relevant, timely and specific to the needs of ABC of Georgia members. Our classes are on the most recent needs of the membership and cover business best-practices, recent law changes, professional development, safety, and technical skills.
2 hours a month
Seasoned Professionals
ABC of Georgia
Lead Business Development Groups
ABC's Leads Groups meet once a month to share client contacts and make introductions that strengthen intra-ABC relationships.

2 hours a month
Business Development Professionals
Location Vary
Legislative Task Group
ABC's Legislative Task Group is responsible for identifying legislative issues impacting Georgia's construction industry and communicating ABC's pro-business positions with Georgia's lawmakers.
2 hours a month
Members passionate about politics
Atlanta, GA & Washington DC
Membership Development Community
ABC's Membership Development Committee directs the recruitment and retention initiatives of the association.

2 hours a month
ABC members who have been active for 2 years
ABC of Georgia
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